¡Hola! On this page you can look at videos, pictures and projects from our classes!

The video below was created by 3rd period Spanish II. We created it for our pen pals in Spain so they could see what our school is like here in the United States. We filmed it in both English and Spanish so they could benefit from hearing the English and our students could get a little Spanish practice.


The Spanish II class was asked to create a rap in Spanish. Below is the best one by Rachel and Brianna!

El Snapo                                    The Snap

Tiene un lápiz                                       She has a pencil
encontró en el baño.                              she found in the bathroom.
Quiero hamburguesas                            I want hamburgers
con arroz y pescado.                              with rice and fish.

Tú madre, tú padre,                              Your mother, your father
tú tía y tú tío                                        your aunt and your uncle.
Mi familia está muerto.                         My family is dead.
¿Puedo vivir contigo?                             Can I live with you?

Señora embarazada                               Mrs. pregnant
de ahora por siempre.                           now and always
Bebe muy mucho agua                           She drinks a lot of water
y comida que tiene.                               and food that she has.

Signos en pared                                    Signs on the wall
los signos son no más                            the signs are no more.
Los declaraciónes                                  The declarations
volvemos al revas.                                we turned upside down.

-Rachel & Brianna